Lexonik Vocabulary Plus

Want to put an even greater emphasis on whole-school literacy? Lexonik Vocabulary Plus can help.

Lexonik Vocabulary Plus comprises two main components: access to our online morphemic analysis machine, which offers applications spanning the entire curriculum, and enrolment in our professional development programme. This programme includes nine online masterclasses, with more on the way.

Best of all this whole fantastic package is just £750 per school!

So what are you waiting for? Give your educators an essential whole-school literacy tool while upskilling them in reading and literacy instruction. Get Lexonik Vocabulary Plus today!

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Whole-Class Literacy Instruction 

Lexonik Vocabulary Plus contains a literacy tool that supports the teaching of vocabulary across the curriculum, in any educational setting. Housed on our educator platform, Lexonik Cloud, this whole-class resource allows teachers and institutions to implement a holistic approach to the teaching of literacy.

The most unique area of this tool is the facilitation of the explicit teaching of vocabulary, based on the same methodology as our flagship Lexonik Advance intervention programme, making it the ideal supplementary product to lessen teacher variability and ensure sustainability and progress whole-school or organisation.

a teacher looking through her resources and a lexonik work book

How does it work?

  • Words are broken down at the syllable level to aid reading accuracy, reading fluency and spelling.
  • Morphemic analysis, including prefix, stem and suffix definitions, allow vocabulary to be explicitly taught, providing the opportunity for learning across disciplines.
  • Where applicable, multiple subject-specific definitions are provided for each word.
  • An extensive bank of spelling and grammar resources, both video and worksheet-based, are included to facilitate literacy teaching and develop the skill set of the teacher.
  • Access to a pre-recorded implementation user guide is provided.
  • Users will be further supported within the system with helpful how-to guides.
students working at thier computer around a desk and in their notebook

Whole-Staff Professional Development

Your one-stop shop for your reading and literacy professional learning needs.

At Lexonik, we know structuring, devising, planning and scheduling professional development for reading and literacy can be time consuming and tricky. It’s exactly why we’ve created the powerful and easy-to-adopt resource and included it in Lexonik Vocabulary Plus. 

Included in Vocabulary Plus is an ever-evolving catalogue of masterclasses. Each one focuses on the many aspects of reading and literacy, to support your roll-out across the curriculum.

Accessed via our educator platform, Lexonik Cloud, our expertly curated PD sessions each take the form of a pre-recorded masterclass video, which lasts anything from 5 to 30 minutes. This deliberate timing variation means you can deliver whichever you choose, in bite-size chunks, or, should you prefer, you can combine them into a longer and larger professional learning event.

Currently there are a total of 9 professional learning masterclasses, and 15 subject-specific vocabulary mini-masterclasses, with more being added throughout the year.

Download the Lexonik Develop newsletter for more programme details 

a teacher looking through her resources and a lexonik work book

Suggested Flow/Sequence

The nature of Lexonik Vocabulary Plus is that we encourage you to pick and choose the order in which you utilise the resources.

Should you prefer a little guidance, however, our suggested flow for the initial 9 masterclasses is as follows:

  1. How do we learn to read?
  2. Why should we teach vocabulary?
  3. Explicit vocabulary instruction
  4. Reading fluency
  5. Syllabification to aid spelling
  6. Questioning for progress
  7. Phonics for secondary
  8. Reading for exams
  9. Embedding reading

Download the Lexonik Develop newsletter to learn more

Ready to make an impact and help close the literacy gap?

If you would like to improve literacy attainment at your school, talk with us to arrange a demonstration or receive more details on how Lexonik Vocabulary Plus can help your school.

Talk to us

“The students have enjoyed the programme and results have been nothing short of remarkable. We have seen an average reading age gain of 58 months and Standardised Score gain of 26 points.”
George Massey, Staffordshire University Academy

Frequently Asked Questions

All members of staff.

Lexonik Vocabulary Plus is a whole-school solution so we would advise that everyone make the most of its features. Our morphemic analysis tool is ideal for the explicit teaching of vocabulary regardless of subject and the PD element of Vocabulary Plus is perfect for any educator who would like to improve their literacy instruction. 

Lexonik Vocabulary Plus can be used to teach or review key vocabulary when using our morphemic analysis tool. Words are presented to students broken down into syllable chunks and then morphemically analysed to explain prefix, stem and suffix meaning. 

Pre-selected vocabulary can be presented to a whole class via an interactive whiteboard. Words are presented to students broken down into syllable chunks and then morphemically analysed to explain prefix, stem and suffix meaning. 

This helps connect vocabulary across the curriculum aiding student independence and progress.

Word lists may also be printed with definitions and used as a memory matching game. 

The PD element of Vocabulary Plus is resourced through masterclass videos hosted on Lexonik Cloud. Where educators can use them at the times that work best for them.

We suggest empowering department heads to lead on the adoption of Lexonik methodology across their specialism. They can be responsible for encouraging the staff under their supervision to learn and adopt the prescribed methodologies.

Pre-recorded instructional videos are supplied to show staff how and why to use the resources. Staff are able to access the videos at any time to suit them and can revisit the content as and when required.

Other customers have launched Vocabulary Plus in a staff meeting/PD session and our expert team of Regional Trainers are always available to support and advise on how best to gain momentum and make Lexonik Vocabulary Plus part of teacher classroom habits.

Vocabulary is our content, regardless of the subject you are teaching. If we can’t read and understand the vocabulary of our subject, then we’ll never learn the content. 

Our CPD ensures staff are aware of the need to explicitly teach vocabulary and appreciate the value it can have for their students as well as their subject specialism.

Lexonik Vocabulary improves literacy instruction across the entire school. With the morphemic analysis improving literacy instruction when used with an entire class and the PD element upskilling educators in literacy instruction regardless of specialism. The two components of Vocabulary Plus work together in conjunction to provide a whole-school literacy solution. 

At Lexonik we often say to school staff “you don’t know what you don’t know” because many of us were never taught how to explicitly teach reading, vocabulary and comprehension. 

The PD of Lexonik Vocabulary Plus is best seen as a foundation knowledge resource first, with our morphemic analysis tool supporting instruction. That knowledge can then develop into expert knowledge and mastery via our intervention programmes.